
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

I forgot my password. Can you send me my password?

Yes. Simply click the "Forget Password" option in the ParentalControl Bar menu on the far left of the toolbar and an email with your current password will be sent to the parental email address that was entered during installation.


When the toolbar is in CHILD MODE, adult websites or websites that you, as the parent, have added to the CHILD BLOCKED LIST are blocked. They cannot be accessed. We suggest that you put the toolbar in CHILD MODE before you allow your child to access the internet. If you, the parent, wish to surf the internet, put the toolbar back into PARENT MODE.


When the toolbar is in PARENT MODE, all websites on the internet can be freely accessed. No websites are blocked We suggest that only PARENTS or GUARDIANS surf the internet while the toolbar is in PARENT MODE.

How do I change between PARENT MODE and CHILD MODE?

Simply click the status icon displayed on the toolbar and enter your parental password when prompted.